-- Billy Graham
Happy Father's Day to all the father's out there! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful father who has shown me unconditional love and has taught me me so many important life lessons. The main lesson being that God should take priority in your life. I can remember when I was growing up, walking downstairs each morning to eat breakfast and my Dad would be sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bible. It didn't seem like much when I was younger, but it is funny how those things stick with you and truly make a lasting impression.
I am also blessed to have a great father-in-law who has been there for his family, is funny, generous and loves the Lord. He along with my mother-in-law raised a son who is such a loving and caring individual whom I am lucky enough to have married and who I know will make an amazing father.
I can't help but think that there is the possibility by Father's Day next year we may possibly have our son or daughter and the thought of that warms my heart.
We spent Father's Day weekend up in the mountains at Dean's parents land. My parents, my brother and his two little girls (his wife was out of town so she wasn't able to make it) joined us up there on Saturday for a day of digging and riding 4-wheelers. Dean's parents have mining claims and dig for smoky quartz and amazonite, so my nieces (ages 4 and 8) got to try their hand at mining. The girls had a blast learning about geology and just playing in the dirt! They even got to keep their finds and received a bag of all different minerals which they were thrilled about.

'L' is ready to get back into the hole to keep digging

'L' found a smoky!

'B' and 'L' digging for smokies. 'L' experiencing a bit of miner's crack!!

After spending the morning digging, everyone worked up an appetite for lunch. We grilled ribs and hamburgers and had a great time chatting and being entertained by the little ones and the remote control trucks!
'L' is ready to get back into the hole to keep digging
'L' found a smoky!
'B' and 'L' digging for smokies. 'L' experiencing a bit of miner's crack!!
After spending the morning digging, everyone worked up an appetite for lunch. We grilled ribs and hamburgers and had a great time chatting and being entertained by the little ones and the remote control trucks!
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